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Perzekuce Falun Gongu v Číně
- Video: Pronásledování Falun Gongu
- DVTV: Odebral jsem vězni orgány, a proto zemřel, dnes prosím o odpuštění, říká Tothi
- The Guardian: China is harvesting organs from detainees, tribunal concludes
- The Diplomat: Recollections of the launch of Beijing’s assault on Falun Gong and its impact 20 years later
- Fox News: Undercover video reveals brutal treatment of Falun Gong prisoners inside Chinese labor camps
- Compassion Magazine: The Falun Gong Story, Methods of Suppression, & Personal Stories
- Letter from Masanjia
- Ethan Gutmann: 'Into Thin Airwaves'
- Reuters: Lawyer for Falun Gong Believers Says Assaulted by Chinese Police
- David Matas: Why We Must Protest
- US House of Representatives Hearing on Falun Gong and Organ Harvesting
- Falun Dafa Information Center
- World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong
- Help Stop the Persecution at Friends of Falun Gong